Emotional/Trauma Clearing

Cellular Release is a powerful system of hypnosis designed to clear truma and painful experience, without having to re-experience it. This system is based on the work of Ed Martin, who developed Cell Command Therapy.

The subconscious mind is reflected in every cell of the body, and the cells are continuously programmed from the moment of conception. This programming is, in fact, multi-layered and contains the record of all experiences a person has ever had. This information is the foundational beginning of the database for the body/mind connection. In a way, you could compare the subconscious mind to a computer that takes in data and stores it.

Cellular release provides a way, in a single session, to clear many different experiences that may be contributing to a current condition or situation.

One factor to be considered in this programming of the cells is the gestation period. When a child is in the womb, experiences, particularly traumatic ones are imprinted directly into the immature nervous system. Later, as the brain continues to develop, the memory of this experience is incorporated into ther cortex and becomes a structural part of the central nervous system, This affects the entire body, and can distort the perception and understanding of the self.

The subconscious mind has the ability to receive, record and store information and to bring about logical results based upon this information. For instance, when traumas take place, a person often makes internal conclusions and beliefs about themselves as a result of these experiences. These emotions, shock, fears and other data accumulate over the years, and at some point it can make perfect sense to the subconscious mind to create an illness or disease of some sort in the body.

This accumulated trauma literally contaminates the natural intelligence of the body/mind. The subconscious then, is like a computer operating with faulty software, with no ability to escape from its own database.

Deepak Chopra’s book, Quantum Healing, gives a description of the natural intelligence of the body/mind at work.

Cellular Release provides a means by which large amounts of material can be cleared at once, or the material can be specific to a certain issue or event that the client determines is ready to be changed. Healing takes place at the client’s own pace. As this clearing takes place, it progressively decontaminates the natural intelligence of the body/mind.

The subconscious mind knows exactly how to completely heal the body, mind and emotions, and can be directed through hypnosis to do so.

For the purpose of this work, memory has three components:

  1. The Facts (what actually happened)
  2. The Feelings (how the person felt during the experience)
  3. The Learned Response (to the trauma) These three components continue to cross-trigger all through the life, until intervention takes place.

The subconscious knows how to clear emotional charge from this memory. Once this is cleared, these components will no longer cross-trigger. The client does not lose the memory or the experience, only the emotional charge and/or pain. The energy that has been held in the form of these feelings releases from that form and integrates back into the energy system. The energy field literally expands as this takes place.

Every experience, thought, word and action brings about psychological, neurological, biological and electrochemical changes in every cell of our bodies. Throughout our lives we have many experiences and feelings we are unable to cope with or process. We make decisions about ourselves, our bodies, and our relationship to others and many other things based on these experiences. We also come to conclusions and develop beliefs based on many of these decisions.

If we are unable to deal with these experiences and feelings because they are so painful and/or traumatic, we distance ourselves from them. We suppress them, minimize them or push them away in some way. They end up deep wthin the body, within the very cells. All of these feelings and experiences are held in some form within the body.

When we first create a method of dealing or coping with trauma, or things we don’t understand or are fearful of (often when we are very young), this coping mechanism becomes a resource. When this method of coping outlives its usefulness and becomes limiting, impairs our ability to function or hinders us in some way, we call it a symptom. For example, the child who withdraws, isolates or becomes angry to protect herself may find that as an adult these strategies inhibit her ability to have a satisfying or intimate relationship with herself or others.

Cellular Release is a process that unravels layer by layer these symptoms that have been created over time. As the energy is released from these forms, it is able to move again and integrates back into the person’s greater energy system.

Sometimes during a traumatic event a person’s energy shatters or fragments in some way, and part of their energy leaves. As the client clears the experience and the trauma of it, she can also call back these parts of the energy to be reintegrated back into her energy systm.

This is why we call it recovery. Through the hypnotic process of Cellular Release we are literally recovering and reclaiming all the parts of ourselves and all of our energy that has been frozen, shattered, fragmented, suppressed or lost to us in some way. This process enables us to become whole again.


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