How to Get What You Want in Life by Changing the Way You Think

Did you know that your entire life experience is created by the way that you think?

Consider for a minute that what you “do” in life comes from what you believe you “are” and “are not” capable of. If this is true, what you “are” really depends on what you “think you are,” and if you change the way you think, you can change your life.

We all live in a physical body that has the capacity to experience and reason independently. How we behave, and therefore live, is really a function of our thoughts and the choices we make based on our thinking.

Many of us seek to improve various aspects of our lives—our relationships, business success, or physical fitness, among others. But most of us attempt to address transformation by attempting to change the way we “do” things, forgetting the power our thoughts have over the outcome.

How to change your mind

The good thing is, the power to change the way you think is not something you have to acquire—you were born with it. But perhaps you want to understand it more, use it better or control and direct it so that you can attain what you desire in life.

Studies in neuroscience show that the brain is capable of renewal– it just needs new intentions and consistent feedback from the mind to transform. Even at the molecular level, our cells are designed to constantly renew themselves and adapt to changing environments or context. It therefore makes sense that changing the way we think about a situation will give us the power to recreate, develop or realize a different result.

If you recognize the power your thoughts have over outcomes in your life, you can start to make changes in the way you think, moving you closer to whatever it is that you desire. Consider your thoughts to be the “cause” and your experience to be the “effect” of those thoughts. In this sense, each of us is responsible for building the world around us, and changing it, for that matter.

It’s normal to have a difficult time tapping into the power of the mind. Most of us are used to thinking that what happens to us is out of our control. The next time you find yourself in a similar situation and wonder why you continue to end up there, perhaps you should ask yourself whether the way you think is supporting your wellbeing or what you want.

How to change your thoughts and improve your wellbeing

If you would like to change an outcome in your life, you must first understand the relationship between your thoughts and experience. If you use your mind as a powerful ally, you will be able to optimize your thinking and better align to what you seek. This will lead you to create desirable conditions that help you achieve your goals. Alternatively, if you cannot help but conjure up negative thinking, your mind then becomes an obstacle to the life you want to live.

Consider the following example:

I recently worked with a young woman (we’ll call her Jane) that was sitting for an exam she needed to pass for her job. By the time she met me, Jane had failed the exam 6 times. Knowing that her employment and livelihood depended on passing, she felt extreme pressure that was only making matters worse. Jane came to me, convinced that she was not smart enough to pass the exam. This thought was hindering her ability to stay focused and leading her to a predictable outcome: failure.

What’s interesting is that Jane had exceptional grades in school. She is a hard working, self-starter. I knew that if Jane could tap into her subconscious and unlock the reasons for these thoughts, that she would be able to change them and pass the exam. After working with Jane for 2 sessions, we worked on shifting her thinking, focusing on things she had been successful at and what helped her achieve those accomplishments. Eventually, Jane recognized that her thoughts were creating her reality. She made an active decision to change her thinking, and the next time she took the exam, she passed.

In this sense, self-awareness becomes the key to improving your thinking and consciously choosing to think bigger and better about yourself. For some, this may be easy, but for others, there is often an underlying reason negative thoughts consume the mind. Without help, negative thinking can lead some to feel helpless.

There are countless ways to tap into the power of the mind. Many enjoy meditation or therapy, while others prefer a run or spending time in nature. Our clients choose hypnotherapy because sometimes the thinking we choose is unconscious. Using hypnosis to access the subconscious, our clients take a gentle approach to tap into the inner-workings of their mind and recreate how they choose to exist in this world.

Thankfully, the mind is a living, dynamic creation that is structured to continuously change throughout our lives. Through hypnosis, opening the mind to think healthier, more productive thoughts and live the life you always dreamed is not as unrealistic as you might think.

If you are interested in learning how hypnosis can help you, please contact Rachel to schedule a session. Not located in Colorado? Rachel offers appointments through FaceTime and Skype for you to enjoy a relaxing hypnosis session from the comfort of your home.

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